Advisory Board votes to transmit FY25 CIP and CEB Comments and Recommendations to MWRA Board of Directors

At a May 16, 2024 meeting, the Advisory Board voted unanimously to formally transmit the Comments and Recommendations on the MWRA’s proposed FY25 CIP and CEB to the MWRA Board of Directors. A reduction to the FY25 Rate Revenue Requirement by $4,098,434 was recommended, which results in a combined wholesale assessment increase of 2.53%. Contributions to this reduction include reducing Wages & Salaries by $3,930,000 by increasing the vacancy rate assumption by 35 FTEs, reducing Fringe Benefits by $1,572,000 to account for expenses that will not be incurred for both the MWRA’s 35 FTEs vacancy rate adjustment and the Advisory Board’s recommended additional 35 FTE vacancy rate, reducing Other Services by $28,176 for the Advisory Board’s FY25 final Operating Budget, and the use of $1.5 million in rate stabilization funds directed toward the water utility’s costs.

FY 2025 Comments and Recommendations

Click below to read the FY2025 Comments and Recommendations on the MWRA's proposed Capital improvement Program & Current Expense Budget.

Click here to read