On April 4, the MWRA held a public hearing to solicit comments on its proposed Fiscal Year 2024 wholesale water and sewer rates.
Advisory Board staff participated, delivering testimony that emphasized the annual budget review process and challenges for the MWRA in FY24. The Advisory Board noted that five years have passed since its proposed strategy of “2.4 by ‘24”, which aims to have a combined annual rate increases no higher than 2.4% by fiscal year 2024. Staff testified they were confident that the Authority could meet this goal.
Staff highlighted the hurdles of unfunded pension liability and shifts in biosolids policy that face the MWRA in the upcoming fiscal year but are convinced the Authority can address them while still reaching the goal of “2.4 by ‘24”.
The Advisory Board will finalize its full list of comments and recommendations next Month, at its May 18 meeting, and will then present them to the MWRA Board of Directors at their May 22 meeting. The final budget, as amended, will be approved at the June 21 MWRA Board of Directors Meeting.