Historically, the Green Sheet was a brief update on the MWRA’s financials in newsletter format (similar to News and Notes) but printed on green paper to be clearly distinguished from the Advisory Board’s other publications. However, this was before websites, emails, and PDFs. Because so much has changed since the Green Sheet was first created, we’ve been working hard to update it for today’s audience using today’s tools.
Introducing: Green Sheet 2.0! What’s the same? It still provides a snapshot of the MWRA’s financials including updates on the Current Expense Budget and Capital Improvement Programs plus any additional important financial topics of interest. What’s new? We traded in green paper and black and white print for videos and color visuals.
Because this is our first time trying out the new format, your feedback is greatly appreciated.
We recommend watching the video in fullscreen mode (the button in the bottom right of the window below) to see all of the visuals and print clearly.