Lead and Copper Rule Forum

The forum is past, but the resources are still available. Click the button below to view the video recording of the forum and to view or download the slides.

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MWRA and the Advisory Board invite you to an important virtual Lead Forum as part of the regular MWRA Advisory Board meeting on May 19th, from 10 to 12.

We will be reviewing the revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule that EPA issued in December 2021 that will affect every community, with particular emphasis on the service line inventory that must be completed by every community before October 2024. We plan on having some community speakers on what works and hasn’t worked for inventory development, and some practical reporting on lead service line replacement programs.

We will also be discussing the changes in LCR sampling and notification that EPA Region 1 imposed on the MWRA fully-served metro Boston communities as of March, and how those will affect sampling in September. If your community samples as part of the MWRA sampling pool in September, this is a great opportunity to learn about these changes, and to get started on updating your sampling plan and notification procedures.

The Forum will offer TCHs for those who need them.

Additional Resources

Check out the video of the forum and download the slides.

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