Press Release: Long-Time Executive Director Announces His Intention to Retire

BOSTON, MA, November 17 – At the regular monthly meeting of the MWRA Advisory Board, Joe Favaloro announced his intentions to retire at the end of the fiscal year. Joe has ben a part of the Advisory Board since day one and its Executive Director since 1988.

“For nearly four decades it has been an honor and a privilege to serve our 60 communities and their water and sewer ratepayers,” stated Favaloro.

He cited that he has always strived to create environmentally sound and ratepayer equitable solutions and policies. He was most proud of the Advisory Board’s role in keeping rate increases sustainable and predictable.

“MWRA is an incredible success story – they have gone from the dirtiest harbor in America to one of the cleanest and delivering the best drinking water in the country. I am proud of being part of that accomplishment.”

Come July, Matthew Romero will be promoted to the role of Executive Director. Romero brings fourteen years of service with the Advisory Board to the table, having served in several roles since 2006. He left the Advisory Board in 2018 to serve as the first Executive Director for the newly created Massport Community Advisory Committee before returning to the Advisory Board in 2020 in his current role as Deputy Executive Director.

“I am honored by the trust the Advisory Board has placed in me,” said Romero. “I look forward to building off of the success of the past 37 years of work between the Advisory Board and the MWRA that saw the cleanup of Boston Harbor and the development of the system that delivers the best drinking water in the country to over 3 million people in the greater Boston area.”

Established by the same Enabling Act that created the MWRA in 1985, the MWRA Advisory Board represents 60 communities receiving wholesale water and sewer services from the MWRA. The Advisory Board’s statutory role is to review and provide recommendations on the MWRA’s current expense and capital budgets, operations, policies, and procedures.

“I’m thrilled that I can pass the torch to someone with a deep understanding of and history with the Advisory Board and the MWRA,” stated Mr. Favaloro. “The success of the MWRA is largely due to its active engagement with the MWRA Advisory Board and its member communities, so having the right person leading the charge moving forward will be key.”


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